Rethinking How We Design Buildings, Infrastructure and the Solutions We Implement


Green Building Certifications

BEAP-Building Energy Assessment Professional (ASHRAE)

CEM- Certified Energy Manager (AEE)

CLEP-Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional (AEE)

CSDP- Certified Sustainable Development Professional (AEE)

HBDP- High Performance Building Design Professional (ASHRAE)


REP-Renewable Energy Professional (AEE)


Design for LEED Certification / Energy Star Rating


Net Zero Energy Building Design and Certification


Energy Modeling & Performance Simulation (Buildings, Solar PV, Wind)


Cogeneration (Combined Heat & Power)


Optimization of Multiple Energy Sources. Energy Resilience


Solar Photovoltaic & Behind the Meter Energy Storage Systems


Demand Response, Peak Load Curtailment


Water Efficiency for Mechanical Systems